Bahia Negra/Concepcion: It is possible to hire the boats and undertake a 550 mile unguided trip from Bahia Negra down to Concepcion. A deposit for the value of the kayaks is required for this. Please contact me for further details.
Guided Trips
Rio Aquidaban/Rio Paraguay: Starting at Paso Horqueta this is a 100 km trip that is split 50/50 along the two rivers and involves two nights camping and three days on the river. The rio Aquidaban is stunning and meanders past perfect white beaches and through jungle thick with wildlife. Flamingos, king fishers, tuyuyu (the largest flying bird on earth), eagles, toucans, vultures and caiman are some of the species that can be seen. The rio Paraguay is several km’s wide can be seriously wild on its day and is a great experience on a kayak.
Y’pane: This involves a full day from Belen back to Concepcion. It is 50 km’s. The Y’pane travels through gallery jungle where monkeys and a wide variety of birds including toucans and king fishers are common. But be aware. The last 10 km’s back to concepcion are against the current. This is hard work. If people crack we can be picked up at the bridge, which means only 3km’s on the Rio Paraguay.
Belen to Yvapovo is a popular trip that involves two days on the river and one night. We go onto the rio Paraguay but down river away from Concepcion.
Once the road to Vallemi is completed trips down from there will be possible that should take between 3/4 nights camping.
Other trip variations are possible. Please contact me for details.